Monday, January 26, 2015

First 5 days in Nebraska (Week 7)

Ok, so to start it off, I had a great 2 flights from Mexico City to Dallas, and from Dallas to Omaha. The 4 of us from Mexico City (me, and Elders Barton, Phillips, and McBride) meet there with 14 other missionaries from the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah(which is the main one). They were all pretty awesome and we spent 2 days with them watching presentations and safety videos for Wednesday and Thursday. Also on Thursday, We went out with a set of missionaries to do some field work! We did about an hour and a half of Tracting (knocking door to door to see if people are interested. not the most effective missionary work but it is something we do). didn't find anyone new but it was still good to get a bit of experience before the actual field. (side note: stayed at a sweeeeet hotel those two nights)

Thursday night, we met at the home of the mission president and got our areas. I am in the Omaha North Spanish area, which covers like 12 English areas in North and Eastern Omaha. It's pretty awesome here so far. My companion/trainer is Elder Wilson, who has been out for like a little more than a year. He's a tall guy and is super cool. Our apartment is only like 2 rooms (if you count like a sliver of a kitchen then it is 3) and is only a bit larger than my parent's Master Bedroom. Maybe even the same size. but it's big enough for the two of us. (Editor's note: the master bedroom is huge, 20'x20')

My first Sunday here was pretty confusing, since it is all in Spanish and I only understood like maybe 55% of what was said. but I got the basis that the people are trying to be more unified, which is awesome. We're gonna help them do that by meeting with them often and helping them teach each other. We are gonna teach those who aren't coming to church as often (less-active members) and have active members come with us to help them have friends at church. It's gonna be kinda hard but it's gonna be so #worthit.

The people that we have taught so far have been pretty awesome. Mostly we've taught in English but we've had like 3 in Spanish too. some shorter than others, and one in half Spanish, half English! I don't speak a whole lot yet, mostly cuz I don't know their circumstances yet, but I do try to help them as much as I can. I've been talking more and more and helping my companion help those we are teaching and I'm only getting better at it and better at Spanish! I really can't wait until I am able to help everyone in their own language, the way the Lord wants me to.

My address is:
Elder Andrew Cox
1301 S.31st St. #6
Omaha, NE 68117

At that address, you can send me physical mail only if you want to (letters only). I'll be at this address for at least 3 months. It goes right to my apartment. 

I'm happy to be here in Nebraska and to be serving Jesus Christ in this calling. I don't really miss you all but that's cuz I'm trying really hard not to miss you. ;P

Elder Cox

P.S. Only gone 1 night without a dinner from a member so far. And that's cuz the family we were going to visit had the flu.

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