Otherwise, this week was pretty awesome. We have someone who is preparing to be baptized. Her name is Jasmine. She is a student at Wayne State College and she is living with a her aunt and uncle who are members of our church. She has gone to church with her grandma for like most of her life and she basically knows everything already. Her grandma wanted her to be baptized when she was younger but her mom didn't let her be baptized. Now, she is old enough to choose for herself and she wants to learn and be baptized! It's really awesome.
We also received a referral from a family in our church for someone that the wife of the family sees at work all the time (a referral is when someone gives us the address of someone that they know to go see them and see if they want to be taught). We went and saw this referral last night. This man's name is Brunel and he is from Haiti. He moved from Haiti to Mexico when the big earthquake happened in Haiti. He learn Spanish is mexico and began to take college classes in pharmacy until he had to move to America. He lived in Texas and then Madison, Nebraska (which is a town 16 minutes outside of Norfolk). Now he lives in norfolk and works at the Tyson meat processing plant. He knows english pretty well and spanish like perfectly, even though it is his 2nd language. He's super nice and I can't wait to talk to him more over the next few weeks.
This morning, I was reading in the Book of Mormon, as I do everyday, and I found a scripture that says exactly how I feel about my mission/life. I wanna share it with you guys. Alma 29:9 "I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." This is what I am doing. I am trying my best to be an instrument in the Hands of God. Whether I'm a triangle or a tuba, a violin or a mandolin, I just want as effective as possible. I wanted to share that with all of you and tell you that we can all do that too.
Elder Cox
This is what driving from town to town looks like in Nebraska.
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